Friday, May 10, 2013

Cover of the Day: The Lost

The Lost by Sarah Beth Durst

I think this cover is absolutely radiant! I've always loved watercolor paintings so that's probably why I like this one so much. The bold clean-cut type contrasts beautifully with the "messy" paint quality of the background. PLUS the colors are gorgeous and oh so eye catching!

Love it? Like it? Hate it?
Let me know in the comments!


  1. As a cover, it doesn't really grab me - but Sarah Beth Durst name on it does. I'll be buying this one for sure.

    1. I've never read any of Sarah's books before, but I guess I should be!!

  2. Wow! I think it's fab, like would put it on my wall as a poster fab. That's really beautiful. I think it will really stand out against all the darker covers I've been seeing lately.

    1. I feel like bright covers are a rarity right now, it will definitely stand out on bookstore shelves.
