Sunday, September 30, 2012

Themes: Underwater

It's impossible not to notice the trend of covers featuring girls underwater. While a lot of people roll their eyes and sigh over seeing another "drowning girl" cover (or so they've been called). I still ohh and ahh whenever I see a new one!

Bluest Water: Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma
Clearest Reflection: All These Lives by Sarah Wylie
Best Underwater Hair: Breathless by Jessica Warman

What do you think? Are you sick of the underwater trend or are you loving it as much as I am?


  1. Sorry, deleted my comment by accident. I wanted to say that I like your blog and I love the covers too although I feel sorry for the girls who had to model for them! What idea do you think they are trying to say? I think the girls look imprisoned by the water but they seem quite passive about it.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lisa! I'm glad you enjoyed the covers =) I actually get a totally different message from these, I find them to be very freeing and peaceful.

  2. I love this trend - the movement and light in the water photos are so beautiful. The pictures for Imaginary Girls and All These Lives both come from the same photographer, Elena Kalis. She's definitely one of my favorite photographers!

    1. That's so cool that they are both by the same photographer! I'm definitely going to look up her website =) Thanks for letting me know!
